business consultations

Our spaces speak loudly what is going on in our lives
and where are we heading…

Let Perrie find your business’ Divine Water Dragon, so you can start to tap in to the dynamic and abundant energies which surround us. Consultations include a two hour visit followed by another hour at a later date with explanations of specific recommendations, also included is a special Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremony.

Consultations are also available in person off site by appointment at ‘KARMA Place’ 86 Quambone St, Worongary Queensland 4213 Australia.

Perrie Burton has spent years studying different Feng Shui disciplines. The knowledge and insight gained allows her to improve the lives of both her students and her clients. For her consultations, Perrie uses a special compass, called a Lou Pan, to measure the direction a building is facing, which is the basis of finding out whether the energy (Chi) is flowing or is blocked. Combining this reading with the actual layout of the office, and any influencing outside forms, she can compile a detailed picture of how the lives of the people who live there are affected both positively and negatively.

All occupants receive personal charts (based on dates of birth) to show if the dwelling is supportive of them and if not, which changes would be recommended.

One of the most important parts of the consultation is to find the location of the Divine Water Dragon (a Feng Shui symbol of prime influence) and to make sure that it is working for the business.

To receive an overview of the steps involved in a Business Audit as well as the recommendations I will provide to help you achieve your best Business life through the practice of Feng Shui, please click on the link below.